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ISSN: 3049-8074 | Open Access

Journal of Clinical Medicine & Health Care

Aims and Scope

The aim of the journal is to publish articles that advance the field of Clinical Medicine & Health Care by using contemporary computational methods alone or in combination with experimental techniques to find novel materials and examine current Clinical Medicine and Health Care, Anatomy, Gynecologic Oncology, Ophthalmology, Anesthesia, Clinical Medicine,  Dentery and Dental Surgery, Reproductive Health, Dietetics and Nutrition, General Medicine, Nursing and Health Care, Public health & hygiene, Trauma Health Care, Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases.

Papers that report on the development of new methods or the enhancement of existing approaches are of interest.

Gynecological & Obstetrical Research follows an enormously green manuscript tracking machine for peer review and article monitoring techniques. Generally, submitted manuscripts are sent to two experienced referees from our panel. The contributors may additionally submit names of 3 qualified reviewers who have had experience within the challenge of the submitted manuscript, but aren't associated with the equal organization(s) as the contributors nor have posted manuscripts with the participants in the past 10 years.

Articles can be submitted through online from https://oaskpublishers.com/article-submission or E-mail: medicine@oaskpublishers.org