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Journal of Clinical Medicine & Health Care

Volume : 1 Issue : 1

Book Review ‘Mental Health’ 

Uqbah Iqbal

Managing Director, Pitas Agriculture, Kampung Mempakad Darat, 89100 Pitas, Sabah, Malaysia

*Corresponding author
Uqbah Iqbal, Managing Director, Pitas Agriculture, Kampung Mempakad Darat, 89100 Pitas, Sabah, Malaysia.

Written by Nur Mahardika, understanding the concept of health can never be separated from historical influence and cultural progress. Throughout the history of meaning health and illness are apparently influenced by civilization. Apart from that, treat what is done is also adjusted to the understanding of health. The Western and Eastern cultures apparently have fundamentals differences of the concept of health and illness. This difference then influenced the treatment system in both cultures. As a result views regarding mental health also differ. With advances in technology and communication that create relationships between people increasingly globalized, meetings between these two cultures are no longer possible avoided so that now there are various ways of handling the health that tries to integrate treatment systems between both cultures. Mental health according to Merriam Webster a health expert, is a good emotional and psychological state where individuals can utilize cognitive and emotional abilities, function in their community, and meet their living needs daily. The essence of mental health itself is more the existence and maintenance of mental health. However in practice, we often find that there are not a few practitioners in the field of mental health focuses more attention on disorders mentally rather than making efforts to maintain mental health itself. 

Understanding mental health cannot be separated from understanding regarding physical health and illness. Various studies have been done revealed a relationship between an individual’s physical and mental health, which individuals with medical complaints showed psychological problems to the level of mental disorders. On the other hand, individuals with mental disorders also show impaired physical function. Health and illness are deeply integrated biopsychosocial conditions human life. Introduction to the concept of health and illness, both physically and psychologically, is part of humans’ recognition of their own condition and how they adapt to their surrounding environment. The Mental Health Movement in the past tried to understand mental disorders and intervene in various scientific fields to overcome them. Often appearing less human because it emphasizes the healing and isolation aspects of an environment that is felt to be healthier. Currently there has been a paradigm shift in the Mental Health Movement which prioritizes aspects of preventing mental disorders and the role of the community in helping to optimize individual mental function. It is hoped that after following the topic regarding the Health Movement Mentally, students can explain the Mental Health concepts that are developing today systematically according to development existing mental health movements, as well as identifying issues related in the world.

Humans as social creatures are required to always do adjustment. Adjustment is a harmonious relationship with the environment that involves the ability to satisfy most important needs and face demands, both physical and social. Well-adjusted is not only adaptability quickly, but also in ways that suit themselves and the environment and direct individuals to be able to do their best and optimize all their potential. This book discusses how the adjustment process in general and how adjustment mediates individuals achieving self-actualization. We will also try options to grow by understanding who we really are and what potentials we have. It is hoped that students will be able to explain the concept of adjustment to individuals and are also able to identify steps for self-growth that are applicable in everyday life. Every human being has an idea of the world around them. Description regarding how we accept the world from one another must be unique and varied. This is what makes us always try make everything around us conform to our perspective. A collection of beliefs and feelings about something that is owned individuals, including stereotypes, prejudices and generalizations, is what is called Schema. Adaptation and development of ourselves very influenced by the schema we have. Every individual has role schema, person schema and self schema. Acceptance of ourselves and how we perceive the surrounding environment is not directly what our judgment appears to be. All the information we receive regarding this matter, including regarding our own self-concept too processed through the schemas that we have. 

This book will discuss where our self-concept lies, how self-concept is formed from existing schemas, how changes, the relationship between self-concept and the whole self, and how we understand and optimize what we have. Self-concept is often recognized as the way a person views himself, or the center of a person’s awareness and behavior, and is basis for evaluating one’s personal experiences. It is hoped that students can explain self-concept and identify issues related to mental health which is influenced and influences a person’s self-concept. In conclusion the Mental Health Movement emphasizes efforts to help and improving the quality of human life in the preventive realm which is broad in a particular community. The realm of prevention itself has a distinctive characteristic, namely that it is carried out before a mental disorder appears or after a mental disorder appears. The aim of prevention is to prevent disturbances in ordinary people, prevent the development of mental disorders in at-risk groups and empower sufferer mental disorders group that are already at the rehabilitation stage so they can function optimally.


  1. Nur Mahardika. Kesehatan Mental. Jawa Tengah: Badan Penerbit Universitas Muria Kudus. 2017.