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ISSN: 2977-022X | Open Access

Journal of Gastroenterology & Endoscopy

Volume : 1 Issue : 2

Energy Alterations in Patient with Acute Pancreatitis

Huang Wei Ling

Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Acupuncture and Pain Management Specialist. Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil

*Corresponding author
Huang Wei Ling, MD, Rua Homero Pacheco Alves, 1929, Franca, São Paulo, 14400-010, Brazil. Tel: +55 16 3721-2437; E-mail: weilingmg@gmail.com

Introduction: Acute Pancreatitis is one of the leading causes of hospitalization in United States and is increasing gradually. The Purpose of This Study is to demonstrate that patients with acute pancreatitis has energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs and the treatment of this condition can reduce the levels of amylase reducing the formation of internal Fire, responsible for the inflammation in the energy level, according to the reasoning used by traditional Chinese medicine, which exists for more than 5000 years. 

Methods: one case report of 49 years-old female patient with acute pain in the abdomen in 2019, which discovered that it was an acute pancreatitis (amylase more than 1200 mg/dl). She was submitted to surgery to take out her gallbladder but the amylase did not reduce with this process (still high 900 mg/dl three months after the surgery). She went to my clinic to see my opinion about her case. I measured the energy of her five internal massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and Kidney) energy using radiesthesia procedure.

Results: All her internal five massive organs were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight. The treatment of her condition rebalancing and replenishing the energy of these organs using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, systemic acupuncture and replenishing the energy of these organs using highly diluted medications according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications. The amylase levels reduced from 1200 mg/dl to about 236 mg/dl after this energy-based treatment using Chinese medicine’s tools. 

Conclusion: is to demonstrate that patients with acute pancreatitis have energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs and the treatment of this condition rebalancing and replenishing the internal energy using highly diluted medications according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications is of paramount importance to treat the cause of acute pancreatitis formation and not just treating the symptoms, that is the acute pancreatitis itself.

Keywords: Acute Pancreatitis, Energy, Traditional Chinese medicine, Diet, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Hippocrates

One of the leading causes of hospitalization in United States is acutepancreatitis and it is increasing worldwide [1].

According to Western medicine’s studies, the most common cause for acute pancreatitis is hypertriglyceridemia, alcohol abuse and gallstones [1].

There is correlation with genetic predisposition in some patients and they tend to have recurrent pancreatitis leading to chronic state [1].

The purpose of this study is to show another form of formation of acute pancreatitis caused by energy alterations that we cannot see by the naked eyes inside the five internal massive organs of the five elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine leading to the formation of internal Fire, responsible for the inflammatory process of the pancreas, causing the symptoms of acute pancreatitis and elevation of the amylase tests in the laboratory exams.

It was used articles searched from PubMed on acute pancreatitis subject from Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. It was used one case report to illustrate the new reasoning used in this article to explain the formation of acute pancreatitis in the e energy level. This patient gave me an oral consent recording her whole history to allow me to write her history.

Case Report 
MAVF. 49 years-old female patient, with history of an acute, sharp and strong pain on the right side that moved towards the navel in 2019. Sometimes it appears as it comes from behind like from the kidneys. And them, it turned around and came from the side of the navel on the right side. It is a constant pain; it is not a pain that come and go. She went to a hospital and the doctor asked for a laboratory exam that revealed that was an acute pancreatitis. The amylase was more than 1200 mg/dl but the lipase was normal. The doctor asked for tomography, ultrasound and more blood tests on that day. She was not admitted in the hospital because he said that lipase was normal. She received an intravenous medication to control the pain and she was referred to a specialist that said that she could have gall stones. She did three or four ultrasounds and the stones did not appear. They said that she did not have gall stones but only “sands”. The doctor said that she needs to remove her gallbladder and it will resolve her pain and also the high amylase. She was submitted to surgery by video laparoscopy to take out her gall bladder and they did not find any stones. They also took out one hernia that he had in her belly button. He said that after this surgery, the amylase level would normalize. After three months after the surgery, she went to a consultation and the level of amylase still high, around 900 U/L. He said that, there are some people that the amylase does not go down and needs to live with it. For this reason, she came to my clinic to see my opinion about her problem. I measured the energy of her five internal massive organs using radiesthesia procedure using a crystal-pendulum. 

All internal five massive organs were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight. The treatment of this condition rebalancing and replenishing the energy of these organs using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting systemic acupuncture and replenishing the energy of these organs using highly diluted medications according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications reduced the amylase level to around 236 U/L. The patient stopped to use the medications to replenish the energy of these organs (because she thought it needs to use only the first bottle of medication and after finishing it, she stopped to use and do not buy another medication to be used for her whole life). 

So, the amylase increased to more than 400 U/L and I questioned about the medications to replenish the energy of these organs and discovered that she was not using them. I orientated her to begin again the use of these highly diluted medications for her whole life to do not cause the formation of internal Fire, responsible for the inflammatory process in the pancreas, leading to high amylase levels. I also orientated her to continue the acupuncture sessions (because she was not going twice a week as recommended in the beginning of her treatment) and I orientated her to continue the acupuncture session twice a week.

All her internal five massive organs were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight. The first measurement in this condition was to advise the patient to avoid the ingestion of Dairy products, raw food, Cold water and sweets because all these foods could reduce the energy of the Spleen and pancreas energy, and worse the patient’s energy condition. 

The second group of foods that I orientated to avoid was the ingestion of coffee, soda and matte tea because all these foods could reduce the energy of the Kidney, that was already very low and worse the patient’s production of Yin and Yang energy imbalances.

The third group of foods that I orientate to eat was the ingestion of fried foods, eggs, honey, chocolate, melted cheese, alcoholic beverages, coconut to do not imbalance even more the Liver and Gall bladder meridian and cause more formation of internal Fire, responsible for the inflammatory process of the pancreas. 

The second tool used in her treatment was to rebalancing the internal energy using auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting. It was orientated the patient to do twice a week and the points used in her treatment I will show in the discussion section.

The third tool in her treatment was to replenish the energy of these organs using highly diluted medications created by Samuel Hannemmahm but according to the new theory created by myself (2020) titled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine. Using this theory, I can treat the energy deficiency condition of the Liver using Phosphorus, treat the energy deficiency of the Heart using Sulphur, treating the energy deficiency of Spleen using Calcarea carbônica, treating the Lungs using Silicea and treating the energy deficiency of Kidney using Natrum muriaticum [2].

The patient recovers from the inflammation of the pancreas gradually with this kind of treatment reducing the amylase from more than 1200 U/L to less than 237 U/L and still in treatment until today [2].

In this article, I will use the oath of Hippocrates (460 a.c - 377 a.c), the Father of medicine, that said that “it is important to consider older ancient medical traditions prior to the knowledge we have nowadays” [3].

So, in this article, I will use the reasoning used by traditional Chinese medicine, one of the oldest forms of medicine that exists for more than 5 thousand years, to explain the energy alterations in patients with acute pancreatitis [4-5]. 

To understand what could be happening in these patients, we need to know that Western medicine’s point of view is only looking at the part of the human that we can see by the naked eye and the part invisible by the naked eyes, that is the energy part is put aside [6].

According to Albert Einstein (1879-1955) the most reputed physics of this century, he said all “all the things is composed of energy” and this includes the human body [7].

Westen medicine is not studying the part of energy of human body because after the implementation of Flexner report in 1910, they only consider “scientific” what they could proof by laboratory or radiological level and the part of energy of the human was not studied since then [8].

This implantation changed the medical curriculum of all medical schools of Canada and United States and caused an improvement in the research field but in the other hand, the human body was not studies in his entire and was cut in the half, as you can see in the tree metaphor, in Figure 1. [8].

In this Figure 1, you can see that the tree is divided into two parts, the part above the earth and the part under the earth. The part above the earth is what Western medicine is studying and doing the diagnosis and treatment nowadays. This part is composed by the trunk with several branches and each branch mean one medical specialty. Coming out of each branch you can see many leaves and each leaf mean one symptom or disease treated by each medical specialty [8,9].

In the case of acute pancreatitis, it is represented by a “leaf” of gastroenterology branch and Western medicine is doing the diagnosis and treatment focusing on the alterations of the pancreas itself [10].

But we analyze from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, all kinds of disease come from the same energy alteration presented in the “root” of this tree, that is usually invisible by the naked eyes, because it is under the earth [10,11].

In the “root” of this tree, there are two theories in traditional Chinese medicine, that are the cause of the formation of pancreatitis reported in this article, that is the Yin and Yang theory and the Five Elements theory, shown in Figure 2, 3 and 4 [4-5].

Yin and Yang energy are two opposite but complementariness forces that exists inside the body and they need to be an equilibrium to achieve health.

The aim of all treatment is to balance the Yin and Yang energy as you can see in the first collum of Figure 3. The reduction of Yin energy is responsible for the Hot flashes’ symptoms, very common in women in menopause. There are other diseases caused by reduction of Yin energy, such as diabetes and all auto-immune diseases. The reduction of Yang energy can cause Cold sensation in the feet and hands and patients with this energy deficiency can have liquid retention and tendency to have prolapse of uterus or rectum or bladder, for example [9, 12-13].

The Five elements theory is representing the elements in the universe such as Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each element corresponds to one internal massive organ such as Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidney respectively [14,15].

In this theory, one organ is sending energy to the following organ to their proper functioning, and one organ can control the functioning of the other organ as you can see in Figure 5 in the generation cycle and control cycle. This point of view is very different from the Western medicine perspective that think that all organs work independently and separately, stated by Galen (129-216 CE) [15].

To understand all these alterations leading to the formation of pancreatitis, it is important tom understand that when there is an energy deficiency in one energy ( of Yin or Yang or Qi or Blood or a combination of energies deficiencies among them) , there is the formation of internal Fire, responsible for many emotional and physical symptoms in the “leaf” level of the tree, such as the formation of anxiety, panic syndrome, schizophrenia, diabetes, infections (community and hospital) , hypertension, cancer, etc. as you can see in Figure 6. In this case, acute pancreatitis is also formed by this energy deficiency and formation of internal Fire, responsible for the inflammatory process of the pancreas [8,9,16-19].

In the research made by myself (2021) titled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection, I showed the results of the measurements of 1000 patients in my clinic in Brazil. In these results, 90% of all my patients were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight. If we measure the energy of the patients today (2023), it would be 100% of them were in the lowest level of energy as you can see in Table 1 [20].

The meaning of this findings is that, the organs that are responsible for the production of internal energy (Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood) are not working properly because they are having no energy for that, as you can see in Figure 7.

There are some studies in the literature saying that if we measure the energy of the chakras’ energy centers, we are measuring the energy of the five internal massive organs of the five elements theory of traditional Chinese Medicine, as showed in the study of Chase (2018) titled The Geometry of Emotions: Using Chakra Acupuncture and 5-Phase Theory to Describe Personality Archetypes for Clinical Use [21].

The energy responsible for the production of Yin and Yang is the Kidney, as you can see, they do not have enough energy, as showed in number 2 of Table 1 [20].

Qi is distributed by the Liver and Lungs and you can see that they also do not have enough energy (number 1 and 4 of Table 1) [20].

Blood is produced by the Spleen (number 5) and the control of the Blood flow inside the blood vessels is done by the energy of the Heart (number 3 of Table 1) [20].

So, when there is energy deficiency inside the body, there is a formation of internal Fire responsible for the inflammation and pain in patients with acute pancreatitis [4,10,19].

The treatment of this condition was done firstly using Chinese dietary counseling orientating the patient to avoid foods to do not cause more energy imbalances. These foods orientations were done according to the energy of each food, different from Western nutritional orientations, that are done based on the components of each food in carbs, proteins, lipids, vitamins, etc [5].

The second step in this treatment was to do auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, as you can see in Figure 8 and 9 [19].

The ear represents a microsystem where all organs have representations inside the body and we can treat many diseases using only the ear points [22].

The use of apex ear bloodletting is a tool in auricular medicine used to release the Heat formation that is causing the inflammatory process in pancreas. It is an important tool nowadays to treat many diseases that has the cause, the formation of internal Fire such as in the case of diabetes, infections, cancer, etc [22].

The third tool used in her treatment was to replenish the energy of the five internal massive organs of the five elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine using highly diluted medications. The reason that I am using highly diluted medications to replenish the energy of these organs is that, according to Arndt-Schultz Law (Figure 10), created in 1888 by two German researchers, the use of any kind of highly concentrated medications can reduce the internal energy and, in this case, the patients are considered immune compromised due to this energy reduction inside the patients as you can see in Figure 9. So, I created another theory in homeopathy where we can treat all patients’ clinical manifestations treating the “root” of the tree and not treating the leaves of the tree, as many homeopathy doctors worldwide are using nowadays [23].

In China, they usually use Chinese herbs to treat the energy alterations of these organs but as I showed in Table 1, that the majority of patients are in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight, the Chinese herbs are also considered highly concentrated medications and can harm the internal energy of these patients, reducing it [24].

So, I created another theory to treat the “root” of the tree using homeopathy medications created by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), but instead of treating the “leaf” level of the tree, I am treating the “root” level of the tree [2, 25].

When the patient reported in this article forgot to intake the highly diluted medications to replenish the energy of these organs in the “root” level of the tree, there was an increase of formation of internal Fire, leading to increase of amylase (from 237U/L to more than 400U/L). 

In the Acupuncture Research Conference, that was held in Harvard Medical School in Boston in 2015, I presented one study where I said that “if we treat the energy imbalances, we can treat all the patients’ conditions at the same time, even the doctor does not know that the patient has such symptoms” [11,26].  

The homeopathy medications used to replenish the energy of the internal five massive organs are showed in Figure 10 and published in the article written by myself (2020) titled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine [2].

This process of replenishing the energy of these organs should be continuously, the medications need to be used daily to work as the “gasoline” for our body to work normally. [2]

The two tools used in this article to treat the patient with acute pancreatitis, such as homeopathy and acupuncture are considered medical specialties by the Federal Medical Council in Brazil and they are very important tools to be used in this new type of population that we are having nowadays, considered immune compromised and not immune competent, showed in the article written by myself (2023) titled New Global Immunodeficiency [27,28].

To understand which are the energy alterations presented in patients with acute pancreatitis, it is important to integrate the knowledge of Western and traditional Chinese medicine in the metaphor of Yin and Yang, as you can see in Figure 11.

The conclusion of this study is that patients with acute pancreatitis has an energy deficiency inside the five internal massive organs of the five elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine. These organs are Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and Kidney and they are important for the production of internal energy (Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood). The deficiency of these organs can produce less energy and cause the formation of internal Fire, responsible for the inflammatory process of the pancreas, leading to acute pancreatitis symptoms manifestations. The treatment of this condition rebalancing the internal energy disharmony using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture to restore the balance state between these energies and replenishing the energy of these organs using highly diluted medications according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine is of paramount importance to treat the cause of the formation of acute pancreatitis and not treating only the symptoms presented by each patient with this clinical condition.


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